Sugar Paste

The Sugar Paste Depilation Treatment removes hair that are as short as 1 to 2mm. The treatment is suitable for clients with a very gentle skin, as well as those with the couperose skin, and tendency to ruptured varices, since, in contrary to wax, the sugar paste has an ambient temperature. The natural ingredients of the paste (water, sugar, lemon juice) don’t cause any allergic reactions. As the direction in which the hair is plucked out is different from the direction in case of the wax depilation, more hair is removed, and the skin remains smooth for longer.

Marta Karwicka Cosmetologist,
Salon Piękności CH Magnolia

Price list: CLICK!
The service is available in Salons:
Warsaw: Salon CH Targówek
Wroclaw: Salon CH Magnolia